Origin of the Name Sheldon
The origin of the name
Sheldon was found in the allfamilycrests.com archives. Variants of he name Sheldon include Sheldan, Sheldone, Sheldun, Sheldunne and many others. This name is usually of locational origin and is taken from several places so-called in Counties Derbyshire and Warwickshire in England. The name is recorded as Scelhadun in the ancient Domesday Book of the year 1086 and is from the old word 'schele' meaning a shed and 'dun' meaning a mound, hill or heath. An early record refers to the name as Scheldon in the 'Pipe Rolls' of Warwickshire in the year 1190. A Francis Sheldon was recorded in the Register of Oxford University in the year 1584.
Names were recorded in these ancient documents to make it easier for their overlords to collect taxes and to keep records of the population at any given time. When the overlords acquired land by either force or gifts from their rulers, they created charters of ownership for themselves and their vassals. It was by creating, maintaining and updating these reference books that they were able to maintain their authority and enforce laws.
In Ireland the first record of the name refers to a Dominic Sheldon who was a Colonel in the army of James II in the seventeenth century. Most modern bearers of the name in Ireland however are found in Ulster Province having been introduced there by settlers from England and Scotland.
The Sheldon coat of arms came into existence centuries ago. The process of creating coats of arms (also often called family crests) began in the eleventh century although a form of Proto-Heraldry may have existed in some countries prior to this. The new art of Heraldry made it possible for families and even individual family members to have their very own coat of arms, including all Sheldon descendants.